ACA Regional Intergroup Greater Toronto & Area

Service Mission Statement

To support the functions carried out by Intergroup. Those functions that affect groups in the GTA and areas.

Groups are encouraged to ask for a volunteer Trusted Servant willing to participate in monthly committee teleconferences to be the voice that represents their group’s interests. Discuss proactive solutions to strengthen ACA Regional Intergroup-Greater Toronto & Area to be better able to carry the message of healing for all groups.

Service Committees are also encouraged to send a trusted servant to participate in the monthly teleconferences to coordinate support as required.

1. Functions of support include:
(as defined by the WSO [World Service Organization] and by the BRB Page 603-606 along with the 12 traditions being followed and autonomy of individuals and meeting groups respected) include:

a) Sending out newsletter via email
b) Maintaining the website (currently:
c) Monitoring the phone line, responding to e-mail questions and requests about ACA 12 Step program
d) Centralizing purchase and sale of literature
e) Supporting meeting groups and service committees as requested whenever possible
f) Supporting the start up of new meeting groups
g) Supporting and facilitating some of the Region’s Step/Laundry List studies, posting those on Toronto ACA website
h) Building fellowship through organizing events for fun, share awareness about program messages and conferences
i) Liaising with the WSO and maintaining a treasury to support these functions.
j) Developing /Coordinating future public information and outreach activities

2. To practice Inclusive Transparent Communication
a). Making available financial reports of expenses and funds received available to meeting group reps.



adult children of alcoholics

ACA World Service Organization